Saturday, April 11, 2009


My night did a COMPLETE fucking 180 after that last post.
After hiding in basement from possible tornado,
went to Waffle House with Cass, for what I thought would just be a quick mean and then quiet, lame night at home.
No way.
I have to try and just sum this shit up, cause it was CRAZY.
Waffle House: eat, text some friends from work to come meet us later.
After waiting, we decide to go Wal-Marting.
Go back, sit in Wa Ho parking lot waiting for friends, who eventually say they can't come. 
We're about to just head home when we drive by Taco Mac and see there's still a lot of people.
Go there, Cassie gets a beer, we're watching the Braves game, which was still in the 6th inning at midnight cause of weather, and Justice and Donald show up.
Chill with them til a little after 1, decide we should all crash at Regina's cause Cassie's staying there, and Regina was gonna be out all night and wouldn't care any ways.
First, go back to Wa Ho so THEY can eat, Cassie gets the waitress to bring me a birthday waffle, we chill, then we drive back to Reginas.
Keep in mind, Cass has had 4 beers, Donald about the same, and Justice 2. Justice and I are driving, cause C and D both have DUI records and they would go to jail if they got pulled over. Also, we had a 6 pack in our back seat.
I get fucking pulled over. 
But the cop was really nice, and we had old school Avril Lavigne on and acted polite and innocent, and he let me off with a warning for "failure to stay in the lines" or something, cause I was texting and I guess drifting a little?
So we were shaking like fucking mad, but soooo fucking relieved. You have no idea.
Meet back up w/ the guys, finally get to Regina's and then proceed to spend the next 4 ish hours looking for cards, then playing card games, then talking about shit, then talking in random accents to fuck with Cassie.
Oh, also some random cat showed up Cassie had never seen before, but it was a nice cat, so we named him Rufus and he stayed with us the whole time.
Except he attacked me when I started dancing to "Whip It".
Ended up having a small snuggle-fest with Donald, for the 4 hours I drifted to sleep on and off.
So yeah. Not sure what's gonna happen with all that. But he's cool, I'm leaving in 2 months anyways, so whatever.
All in all,
WAAAAAY fucking better than I ever could have imagined last night. I officially dub it an adventure.
Holla =)
(no seriously, if you don't, how do I know you're reading shit? And then what's the point?)

1 comment:

Karina said...

Wow... holy fuck what an eventful night... glad you had fun!