Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back to Normal and Content!

I promise.
hah, here we go-
Hardly got any sleep last night, but pulled a $67 tuesday night at work, nice, nice...
After dozing on and off til 5:07, flumped over and set my alarm back down to 8, rather than 7.
No Wednesday morning bike ride for me today, sorry legs.
Woke up for real and felt sickly. Decided to skip English to have a 2 hour block to finish my Dostoevsky paper (due on Friday), but spent the first hour conspiring with Garrett on Cassie's birthday pressie.
About 15 minutes out of that hour were spent looking at toasters alone.
Target has a Hello Kitty toaster for only $24.99, that not only has the adorable kitteh on the outside, but actually leaves an un-burnt imprint of her face ON YOUR TOAST.
This technology amazes me just as much as my ipod.
But not as much as that smart "color sensing" make up.
Thats just creepy, alien technology shit right there.
Anyways, decided after an hour of toaster/Ikea hunting and an hour of paper writing, that I should also skip French to spend a final hour finishing the bitch.
So I did, and now I'll just let it stew over night and check it over for the final time tomorrow.
Now I'm at a random coffee shop studying for shit.
I only have 6 more regular days of class left...that has NOT sunk it yet...but once I hit Finals week, it will and I will be THRILLED OFF MY ASS.
So I feel good about
a) finishing paper 
b) just finished studying for Stat test with Steph (alliteration!!!) for tomorrow, and I actually feel decent about it now
c) still minor sick feeling, but over all improvement from this morning
I'm the only one here now, except for the chick working behind the counter and the "owner" (I use quotes cause she does NOT know what she's doing) and from what I can tell, some one who did all the electrical and plumbing for this place.
They are in a heated debate over whether or not they've paid for everything, such as the finishing electrical fees and the water filter (espresso machines need a hardcore water filter).
Here is a segment of Riddle Rachel this I will call: 
here are the DON'TS:
1. pick a shitty, hidden location (big fracking DUR)
2. start trying to serve a full breakfast and lunch menu when you first open (high food costs you WON'T recover)
3. use the most expensive syrup/smoothie/machinery brands
4. use the most expensive brands, except for your beans, which you get from a personal roaster in a near by, po-dunky town.
OK, 2, 3, and 4 should all be GIVENS if 1 applies, until you can tell how you'll do.
I mean, this place looks super nice, and they have good customer service, but due to shitty drip coffee/shots, drinks aren't that great, and since they have a pretty sucky location (they're also right next door to a waffle house, which DEF takes away from their breakfast sales), 
I don't see them lasting much longer. I'm surprised they've made it since Christmas.
And apparently now they're having trouble paying bills from when they first opened. 
I feel bad, but come onnnn
Oh well, The End, I'll holla on Friday.
Dammit, no one reads this.

1 comment:

Karina said...

I read it... sometimes... you are so much better at blogging than me.. it takes me forever to blog... even though i have soo much to say... oh well i love you...