Monday, April 13, 2009

Why Do Wednesdays Rock So Hard?

It seems like Wednesdays are always great.
For instance, this Wednesday, I'm getting totally psyched for LILY ALLEN!
Which I totally forgot about until like Saturday.
Also, its in Little 5, which means I'll get to go to the record store and buy cheap used CD's, which I've been looking forward to for quite some time.
I'm listening to bits of Lil's new CD at the moment. She's fantastic at lyrics, and the music's always catchy as hell. 
And she's English. 
We should be friends. No, really, gonna try and meet her if possible =)
Speaking of fantastic British things, 
Now THAT was the best birthday present ever hahaha.
Ooooooh I hope they're filming a special over the summer, I simple CANNOT wait to go to Cardiff!!!!!
At the same time though, only 3 more specials, and David Tennant is gone ='(
Although I haven't seen all the Doctor's over the past few decades, he will always be my Doctor.
If you've never seen that show, you should. 
It's really absolutely everything I've ever wanted in a tv show. 
Anyways, that's all loves,
hmmm, lets find a random picture to be amusing... Ah ha! Video! Of the amazing storm that hit right before my Friday night adventure began. It was absolutely breathtaking in person, but this is cool too. Enjoy, pip pip!

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