Friday, April 10, 2009


The Rachel and Garrett birthday bash got postponed til next week end due to shitty weather.
My ipod's been missing for over a week now. Nooooot happy.
I hate myself for being a hypocrite about the things I want!
Why on earth do I still have the Weather Channel on? The music's nice and relaxing though. 
I'm so fucking bored and unhappy right now I might go get my cartlidge pierced. 
Just might. Mmhmm. 
Fuck. Its 6:17 on a Friday and I'm already in my pajama pants eating jelly beans looking for shit to do on the computer and watching TV.
What I'd like to do is learn "40 oz to Freedom" on the guitar. And "I am Like John Cusak".
Maybe later.
You know whats the worst part about all of this? No one fucking cares if I'm upset about anything, or if I'm hating life a little bit, because everyone I know has way worse problems than me. Clinical Depression is a fucking bitch that way.
On the one bright spot in a stormy, tornado-infested day, Jordan called me to tell me about tour and say hi. Apparently almost everyone's a straight edge vegan. And New Hampshire sucks a little. I knew it (the NH bit, the vegan bit was weird).
Also, Bomb! is coming to ATL right after exams are finished. 
And I have Lily Allen next Wednesday.
And Streetlight's playing at American University (my cousin's school) on the 19. 
Cause now I'm gonna miss them on Warped Tour too, cause I'll be in EU.
If the 19th wasn't a Sunday, you KNOW I would be taking a weekend trip back to DC.
But it's a Sunday, and I shouldn't miss any more class. 
Yep. Thats what's making shit suck right now. Stupid and trivial, right?
Mostly just bored.
And no one cares

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do