Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You're Smelling Generic Nowadays...

Man I don't get people.
And I don't get what I do to them either! Fuck! 
In all honesty, I know I must be over reacting, to stupid things, because really? There's no way Mar deleted her Twitter just because I asked her if she was OK because she was posting things about sleeping on park benches, hating Japan, and being sick. It's probably because there's some issue going on with her friends over there and she's trying to get out of it.
There's also no way that Donald unfriended me on myspace just because we hooked up. Because I haven't talked to him since then, I haven't seen him. Something just probably happened, like he deleted it for some random reason, or computer fucked up, or something. 
Even though I know I can't have caused all this, its stilling BOTHERING me.
I mean, Mar's thing is more easily justifiable, but the Donald thing is bothering me quite a bit. I mean. He scheduled me to work with him for 6 hours tomorrow. So we'll talk about SOMETHING. 
This is all so stupid. 
But I'm leaving in less than 2 months now. Only 8 more weeks. Which is 56 days. 
Time is flying by already, we're going to be leaving so fucking soon!
ALSO: Jordan's back! And when he realized he'd missed my birthday, he legitimately freaked out and apologized. I then informed him he is a better friend than Paul.
Who by the way was apparently in town all weekend. And just didn't tell any one. 
I invited him to make-up birthday bash Saturday, no reply. 
Fuck it.
I FOUND MY iPOD YESTERDAY! Yesssssssssssssss.
And Lily Allen tonight! Yesssssssss.
Oh, I went to the bike shop and got air in my tires, so I'm starting to get in shape again. 
So far I suck. I decided to ride home from the shop, because in theory it should be like a 10-15 min bike ride.
Not. I had to walk the last mile and I basically died. I'm surprised I didn't hurl. 
But I woke up at 7 this morning (ridiculous for me) and went for a short ride, then had some tea and toast and watched Kristin Chenoweth on Good Morning America. 
I love her, she's precious, even with her fantastically high pitched, cheery voice.
Well, unfortunately, I'm at school, and I have to go to class, and I'd rather bum around and blog about nonsense some more, but I'm gonna go.
Cheers skank-a-lanks

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