Thursday, April 2, 2009

It never seems to Get Warmer, no matter how far south you go

Just laying here listening to Bomb. 
Its occurred to me, just now, maybe I should try and find some one who loves Streetlight and Bomb and has a good sense of humor that ISNT an asshole. Loving Doctor Who too is clearly too much to hope for.
Cause haven't I basically found 3 consecutive assholes like that? 
Pretty much.
I'd like to just open my eyes and find my self in a movie. Then life would automatically have a point; a solid script.
"I'm really more than just quite a bit bored with myself...
cause I'm getting, too carried away with the bullshit,
of leaving today".
Ooooh but I wish I could leave soon. That's what I need. I've exhausted all the resources in this stupid bubble (Peachtree City). Its turning on me and making me leave.
Besides all that, these next 6 months, half a year, should fly by. I'll be running across the world.
Practically circumnavigating, to be honest, as long as I make it to Japan.
Maybe that'll put some shit in perspective? Show me what to do?
If not I'll just be drunk the whole time, won't I?
This is dismal. Dismality?
The End, Cheers

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