Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hooray For Friends. Always.

Today is Lars's birthday! Finally!
I got her some mustaches and a shot glass with a french horn on it that says "this blows", or something like that haha.
Every place I went was out of those "Coexist" bumper stickers =/ I will have to return to l5P some time next week and re-cherche. 
My crazy aunt Sue came in yesterday on her way back from Hawaii. She brought me a lei she made herself and some Kona coffee, which is basically the best. So I was happy. 
Had to take this bullshit state required end of course test for Econ yesterday, which is designed so complete dumbasses can pass. So what they gave us 2 hours to do took me only 40 minutes. 
After that, went to l5p to get Lars's pressies, and yep, that's that. 
Hmm. I'm trying to think if I did anything Monday night after I wrote last...I tried to buy the new Silversun Pickups CD, but Best Buy didn't have it...I went to work...Stephanie bought us all Chinese I guess I can't hate her as much now...
I guess that's all. 
That's ridiculous, I don't believe it. 
I've been nondepressed though, thats major fantastic. 
List of things to do for Europe: 
1. Buy Oxegen Tickets
2. Buy backpacks 
3. Buy video cameras and accessories
4. Get international student ID's
5. Get clubbing gear (skanky tube dresses and disco rave bikinis from American Apparel)
6. Start figuring out what I'm going to bring in the way of clothes and shoes.
Shit. I have way too many clothes and waaaaay too many shoes. This is an almost impossible task for me. I'm thinking comfy sneakers, trendy sneakers, sandal things, flats (at least 2 pairs, I mean, come on, at least 2!), and comfy heels. 
Trendy  rain boots will be bought upon entrance to the UK. 
Hah, see, I prattled on about shoes! Must always have something to ramble about...
3 more days of class, and 3 days of exams. 
One more week til Death Cab For Cutie Concert.
43 more days til Europe.
Cheers bitches!!!!
ps I find the random use of colors to make things all the more interesting, don't you?


Karina said...

Your to-do list is awesome... haha and you are crazy about shoes... your backpack is gonna be heavy... yall are gonna have so much fun in Europe! I can't wait to hear all of the stories... just be careful and don't get kidnapped and sold in the sex trade cause then I'd have to fly my ass around the world to save yall

Riddle Rachel This said...

pft, its probably the only way im gonna get laid, so have a leisurely flight over there to save us =P