Saturday, May 2, 2009

Living Alive

It's been a little while since I've said anything, so I'm gonna try to keep it as simple as possible.
The French Skit went great, but there is no recording of it, as of yet.
I have my last day of class on Monday, and then an exam next Thursday and the following Monday.
Yesterday, Friday, was a good day, until about 8 o'clock. Then it got absolutely crazy. 
I don't really want to go into all the details. But it involved picking up furniture/personal belongings off of someone's lawn. And spending the rest of the night alternating between not being able to really feel, and being too worried about having to watch someone go though something horrible all over again. So I came home and drank some feelings and talked to someone about hypothetical situations. 
At least this Friday night, I remembered to get chips for the dip, and I had good beer. 
And I was more worried than overly depressed. 
Slept til 12 today, went to Tasha's play and was incredibly proud of her. 
Although nothing in the past 24 hours went anything like was planned, I managed to enjoy today more than I think I would have otherwise. 
I drove to Carrolton, as it was raining, listened to mellow, thought-provoking , indie music.
Got my coffee, walked around the square, took some pictures, just kinda, thinking- but only slightly. 
Discovered from a phone call that Cassie's job was secure, and was finally able to believe that everything was ok. 
Got a scone and some coffee for her, and drove back.
The sun was about to go down, and everything was freshly rained on. Rain makes everything more beautiful. 
Kept driving, had the window down, listened to Death Cab and Imogen Heap.
I listened to "Transatlaniscism", and realized that in about 40 day's time, I would actually fully understand the meaning of that song. 
It's funny how as time goes by, the same songs start to mean different things.
I brought Cassie her coffee because she was still at the store. I sat outside with her, Daniel, and Regina, having coffee and a cigarette. I love the way they go together, just the smell and everything. 
I feel much better. 
Everything's not perfect, but everything's still ok. I think I gained 3 years after last night though. I look different today, its weird. 
Now I'm watching X-Men 2 on TV. Bitch you ain't no nerd? I love this movie. 
I don't feel compelled to see any of the Terminator movies. 
OH. Forgot to mention, after work on Thursday, I walked by China Cafe and they had a sign in the window saying they were hiring part time servers or cashiers, so I went in and gave them my information. They haven't called, but thats ok, because about 2 hours after I went there, Mike Merkley started talking to me on Facebook, and asked if I wanted to work part time at Gallery Row until I left for Europe.
My answer was something like "YES YES YES".
And I confirmed with  him over the phone last night, and I should be on the schedule there sometime next week.
Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be getting enough hours to quit at Jets...but we'll see.
So there we go, more or less, what's going on with me at the moment. 
I've got this "Meet and Munch" thing for new GSU students tomorrow, so I guess you'll hear about it on Monday. 
Cheers, enjoy yourselves.

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