Monday, May 4, 2009

Romeo, Romeo, where for art thy PANTS, Romeo?

That is my big question for life right now I suppose. 
Pants pants pants.
Thank you, Louise Rennison, for writing the craziest fucking books EVER. I would not know how to be a proper mad British girl without them. 
Other than that, I am most definitely on the schedule to work at Gallery Row this weekend, and I am SO UNBELIEVABLY FUCKING STOKED about it. 
The Meet & Munch thing was quite a success, even though it should have been a complete crash and burn. A complete, mind-blowingly boring crash and burn.
I am now friends again with my old middle school best friend, Tracy, which is awesome, its like a shitty part of my past I've patched up now.
But still, the best part had to be the fact that Jordan fucking crashed it.
He was the "guest" of a friend of his thats going to GSU. We were both basically there for the free food, which actually was not that great.
They gave us all questionaires with fairly stupid questions, and we had to go around and "mingle" to get people to answer it. 
In other words, we sat there, and people who wanted to be the 1st to finish and "win a prize!" came up to us and told us to sign by something. 
Everything was made hilarious though. Thank God for Jordan having the magical ability to make any and every situation 10x's better. 
Then I went up to the store AGAIN with Andy, and finally got to meet Marie's baby, who we had promised to visit back in January. 
We're kinda pathetic and bad people in that way.
But any who, terrific storm last night, made the power go out, and I was quite happy.
I love it when the power goes out, cause then you have to use candles and everything, and its stormy outside, and I just enjoy it.
Luckily, it came back on time for me to watch some TV before falling asleep. I woke up to a gorgeous, cloudy, rainy morning (my favorite).
Unfortunately, I also woke up with a strange headache and I had a random blurry spot in myleft eye that lasted for at least 3o minutes. It scared me a bit. Its gone now, but my head's still not feeling right. Its kinda like, over tired plus fever, but at the same time it doesn't feel like a fever. Its like an all over ache and tiredness. 
I blame Friday night. 
And the past 6 months of my life.
But anyways, only 38 more days until I leave for Europe...which is like nothing.
It's actually starting to sink in a little bit. It's crazy!!! Excited and nervous and the like.
A bientot, mes petits

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