Monday, May 11, 2009

Oh Jeez, Minor Fail...

A thousand apologizes, nonreaders (and Karina)! I have not written in a week!
But that week has been filled with sooooo much happiness and sooooo much unbelievability. 
Wow. Unbelievability is a real word. 
To summarize things: some crazy black girl that only got one cup of ranch dressing instead of 2 with her pizza, and then decided to leave her house while waiting for her 2nd delivery attempt to get there wanted to beat me up at work. Cassie wouldn't let her, Daniel flipped a shit on her, she had a major breakdown in the bathroom and quit, so no more moving into apartment the next day. 
So instead, me her and Andy try to find someone renting out a basement suite or something. Later on, we end up getting my cartlidge piecred, which went fantastic even though I only got one hole instead of 2. No pain, my ears are awesome. 
Then Cassie and I drop Andy off and decide to go get ice cream at Ritas. While sitting there, we look at the last empty space in that block of restaurants, and are drawn to its awesome coffee shop potential. After a call to the owner of the complex that went unbelievably well, we are told to draw up a business plan as soon as possible because he built that space for a coffee shop and he loves Cassie's ideas.
This has been lighting the fire in my soul, and especially Cassie's for the past week. 
She stood up to Daniel and quit, so FINALLY, she's free of Jets, and has enough saved up to live off of until another in between job is found.
Also, my first 2 shifts at Gallery Row were EXCELLENT, as to be expected.
I've made a new friend named Craig. We are going to trade clothes some time next week haha.
We've also given each other lists of music the other needs to check out. We have different core styles, but enough similar taste to make good suggestions for each other. 
For instance, Placebo is growing on me. 
On a totally different foot, today was my last day of school. And I made an A on my Dostoevsky paper. And my high school still is going to make me an honor graduate.
On another, other foot, I walked into work Wednesday, told Donald good morning, and it was going to be a great day. Because I said so. And now we're cool again. 
On and asshole ish foot, I have lost respect for Death Cab For Cutie. The show was great, to be certain, but then as we walked back to the car, we were passing the tour buses, and the crew put up a barricade in the sidewalk right in front of us. So Lars and I were in prime position to meet them when they came out. Personally, I was stoked to get a picture with Chris Walla. Even though the had short hair and was not wearing a hat. 
However, 2 hours later, the drummer was the only one who came out to sign stuff, and he hardly did any of that. We got nothin. 
I managed to get a picture of Chris Walla opening the door while holding a suitcase, promising the ever dwindling crowd he would be back out. 
By the time 2 AM rolled around, I was almost convinced my car had been towed from The Varsity parking lot, and we left. 
Whether or not the crazy 14 year old girl and her mother ever got to meet Ben Gibbard, I do not know. 
But I digress. 
Things are good, and getting better, as far as I can tell. I am absolutely loving reading The Small Business Kit For Dummies, or whatever, and coming up with a business plan uses all my little talents. Creativity for coming up with things like mission statements and marketing, easy math problems, like figuring out what to make prices so we can add sales tax in to make it easier for the customer, while still making a profit and having lower prices than competitors, and interior design: tomorrow I start work on a design concept board, with paint samples and wood samples and floor plans and things, if Garrett will get back to us. 
Horrendous run on sentence there, but you get it.
And I most certainly will hang out with Jeff Rosenstock. Suck a fat one, Ben Gibbard! 
He is cooler than you anyways. 
I leave in 31 days. One month. Oh my. 
OH! I'll be returning early now, to help open Simply Brew (that'll be this store's name, if I didn't mention that earlier, which I don't think I did), and therefore, I will not miss Jordan's swanky birthday party! 
Its a win win win super win situation all around!
Cheers! Cheers everywhere! 
excellent idea that, its a good night to have a beer!

1 comment:

Karina said...

AH! this makes me happy! your life is going well... ah graduation is soon and i can't wait! i love you buddy and this all sounds great!