Friday, April 24, 2009

Natalie Portman's Shaved Head the T-shirt I'm wearing today.
Well, despite the fact that I woke up intending to make yesterday awesome, I ended up ridiculously home sick (home sickness is always in reference to Gallery Row), and Donald was anti-social as fuck at work, which was probably the clincher in my decided mental state.
And then I had my math test.
Actually, it wasn't too bad. Think I managed a B. We'll see.
Was still feeling fairly shitty after that, and it was only about 7:15, and I didn't feel like I had friends, or at least, I felt like I couldn't talk to my normal friends, so I decide to go visit my friend Cole at work, cause he's always great to talk to about these things, and I hardly ever see him anymore.
But I get there, and the restaurant he works at was insanely busy, so he didn't have time.
I then made the executive decision I should have made to begin with: just go to the Carrolton store (the other Gallery Row).
Got some gas, said no to cigarettes (very proud of myself for that), and enjoyed a beautiful drive through country ass Georgia. 
Ashley, good friend I used to work with at my store, was working, and I met her huge, yet super nice, black friend Alex. Talked for about an hour about her life and her sluttiness (which has grown exponentially in the past 4 months, but she's adorable and I love her).
Got some free, DELICIOUS coffee too, that was major bonus.
On the drive home, there was some amazing lightning in the distance, and I had to make an emergency pit stop at Jets because I had a "massive whiz attack"
Thank you to Justice for teaching me that phrase.
Then I got all giddy, because I was super happy again, and I told Cassie about my fantastic aversion to depression and whatnot.
Got home, research paper not due til Monday now. Yesssss!
And now I'm at school, chillin. Need to pee again.
Yesterday, I saw a car with a bumper sticker that said "Caution: Unsocialized Homeschoolers On Board".
I really am not sure whether or not it was a joke.
There were also several Jesus-esque stickies too.
Factor this into your calculations and GIVE ME ANSWERS!
Karina? Random stalkers?
KENT. I'm fucking worried about you. I know I have absolutely no say, but you should have rejected Grant rather than SweetPea. And stop taking cough syrup. That fucking stupid. And middle school. And don't fucking do acid. Jesus, just stick to weed.
48 more days til I leeeeave this country.


Wizardry said...

1. What do you mean rejected Grant instead of Sweetpea? When did I reject Sweetpea? We were gonna smoke from his new bong.

2. Dex-ing isn't bad for you unless you get it into the super high usage range. I've never had "the seizures" or the dreaded "robo-itch" and I space out the use, and the Dissociative experience is great for writing.

3. And middle school? What does that mean?

4. I can't wait to do acid.

Riddle Rachel This said...

what do you mean you idiot? of course its bad for you. and thats the kind of stupid shit little middle school kids do to get fucked up.
and i just heard from people that you were pretty much telling all your friends to fuck off, but you were still doing shit with grant. i thought that was stupid. not that it matters, but i think thats all fucking stupid and you're better than that.

Wizardry said...

Who are you to criticize everyone? Is that not the very same hypocritical crap you called out Kate for? I hate, no, loathe the the moral high-ground from which you carelessly fling your judgments upon everyone. Instead of coming down on everyone else so hard all the time, maybe you should take some time to talk it out with your mirror.

Riddle Rachel This said...

what the hell.
i'm ridiculously open minded about most stuff.
that shit just scares me. enough people have told me stories about horrible trips on acid to make me decide i'm okay without trying it. and i draw the fucking line at any sort of prescription or over the counter shit.
and i already mentioned that i knew whatever i said didn't fucking matter. it was me attempting to express concern, for who knows what reason, and as always, being entirely unable to express myself in the correct way.
also, jesus, morals? if i'm anywhere with morals, its not any sort of high ground.
i don't criticize "everyone", i criticize assholes with fucked up priorities who lumped me into the same category with kate a long time ago, and who steal shit to get ridiculous highs so they can cover up everything thats wrong instead of actually caring enough to do anything to fix it, and who fucking love the drama of being able to say everythings so horrible, and brag about the crazy shit they do to get by.
and yeah, i have nights where i wish i could smoke so i could relax and stop worrying, and nights where i drink just so i can fall asleep and not think about shit, but then i wake up and start over, and i've had plenty of conversations with my mirror, thank you very much. maybe you should try having some too.