Thursday, March 12, 2009

Turns Out The Pants Have A Limited Flight Pattern

DC was nice, overall. 
But besides shopping in Georgetown, or walking 5 miles around the monuments, I spent several hours lying awake on a couch, staring out the window, listening to my ipod. 
And thinking.
About life.
Which will ALWAYS end up depressing, because, as previously stated somewhere, there really is no true meaning to our existence. We're just here, and we, and we alone, decided what's worth living for. 
A train of thought that bothered me the most:
There are so many places I want to see in the world, and I think, some how, I've just assumed in the back of my mind, that I will see the whole world.
For example, there are many states I deem "pointless", such as Arkansas, Wyoming, Minnesota, etc, but when I make jokes about them, I think I've always just figured one day I'd end up going there, and finding out they're not pointless. 
But for some reason, its JUST now sinking in, that I will probably never, ever, see all 50 states. 
I will probably never go to India, or Africa, or the Middle East somewhere.
I've always wanted to go to Portland and Seattle, but what if I don't?
What if, as I live my life basically one day at a time, fly by the seat of my pants, do what I love, open my coffee shop...I don't actually get a chance to go to any of those places?
What if some of the life goals I've created for myself, just get by-passed by all the other things I end up doing?
I mean, I know I'll have fun, opening my store, being spontaneous, but still...I can say for a fact, that I WILL miss out on things.
There WILL be places I never get the chance to visit. 
Hell, I might never get to learn to play drums properly. I've been wanting to be a drummer since I was about 6 years old. It's just never really worked out. I keep thinking "alright, next year, or when I get my own place and can really do my own thing", but what if I'm so busy with my new life, that I NEVER have time? 
Do you get the gist of my problem here? I mean, in reality, since the drums are something I've been wanting to conquer for so long, I think I'll eventually make time for them, 
but there really is so much, so much in our entire planet-full of options, that I will miss out on.
No one can do everything; no one can even think of what everything is (another obnoxious contemplation, like infinity, the universe before life, after life, etc).
Once again, my conclusion: just live. Do it. As much as you can, and as randomly as you can.
FLY BY THE SEAT OF YOUR PANTS (looooove that expression!),
cause you only get one shot at this life.
Even if you're reincarnated, you're not gonna remember what you did this go around, they're all gonna be completely different. You only get ONE chance, as the person you are right now.
So yeah, make the best of it. Have an amazing enough time that when you look back, you don't really regret all the things you didn't do. 
UGH. Sorry this was such a long one. Got carried away with the inspiration.

1 comment:

Wizardry said...

And there you have it, your own personal philosophy. Do like.