Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rachel's Minor Accomplishments

Some things I'm proud of today (in its intended technicolor glory):
1. I got up at 10.
2. I bought a 100% cashmere sweater at Bloomingdale's today for $21. I have waited YEARS to walk out of that store with a simple, yet posh, Medium Brown Bag, and today I did- for much cheaper than I ever could have imagined!
3. I ate reasonably healthy.
4. I got $167 back in my account after returning a dress.
5. I discovered 2 people I know who are also going to Georgia State in the fall.
6. I discovered that there is a diner across from The Rialto that is basically a legit diner: it had matzoh ball soup, latkes, and an excellent reuben on the menu. However, it still is too good to be true, because the chicken noodle soup was more Campbells than Kosher. There is just a certain type of deliciousness that I guess can only be found in a real New York diner. 
7. I survived 2 tedious car rides with my mother.
8. I kept this post short! (yesssss!)


1 comment:

Wizardry said...

That list put a smile on my face. You should be a food critic. :D