1. I love pasta. And it's easy to make. So I make it all the time.2. According to my actions/ behavior, and my horoscopes, I'm attracted and compatible with self-centered assholes. So I try to become friend with people who will abuse me? What?
3. I'm currently in the zzzooonnnee...of musical creativity. Its a good place to be.
4. That picture is me with a very large version of the most adorable piece of tofu in the world. Its Japanese. Marleny (friend in Japan) wasn't exactly sure what it's called, so I call my mini one Munji-chan (small Munji) and that giant one Munji-obese.
Life is so curious.
Things work out so randomly sometimes.
Like yesterday, we were supposed to see that movie, right? Well, we ended up sitting there for about 30 minute while they tried to get it to work, and then we were like "well, we had our fill of popcorn, and now this is stupid. let's go to Olive Garden. And Dillards."
So that's what we did.
I could live off soup, salad, and breadsticks forever. Ultimate nummies.
Anyways, Dillards had some Ed Hardy stuff on sale, and I got a great shirt like half off.
Fuckin stoked about that. I've been wanting to get some Ed Hardy stuff for a loooong time now.
Work rocked, even though I had to close.
I got to do a bit of unofficial managing. I fucking LOVE managing.
Man, I miss my coffee shop. Anyways.
Work also rocked to do, somehow I made $50 in tips during mid shift, bringing this weekend's tip total to $183. Hell yeah.
Got to leave early, Cassie ended up going to the show with me, which didn't last long, but was cool.
And yeah. That's all.
On the drive back we sang some Offspring- "Stuff is Messed up"
except its more like " SHIIIT IS FUUUUUUUCKEEEDDD UUUUP!!!!!"
DC. In 2 days.
I want a fucking BEER.
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