Sunday, March 22, 2009


My job is seriously reaching a new level of
I need a new one. Really. Really. Badly.
I can't wait to own my own store. 
Can't say that enough.
My birthday's in 17 days.
I need to buy my plane tickets for Europe.
I can hardly move my neck with out it hurting, and for some reason my feet have been cramping really hardcore.
Maybe my body's channeling my stress to my feet now, so my spine doesn't explode.
Why are people such fucking jerks? If you're a jerk, stop it. You're ruining the world. 
You are a detriment to our fucking planet, you should fall into tar pit and get eaten by fossilized piranhas.
Also, if some dipshit's being a jerk to you, don't spread it to other people; have the mindset that by being nicer to others than he was to you, 
you're better then him!!!
That's all, just tired and a little angry.

1 comment:

Wizardry said...

Wow, that was very heartfelt. And yes, your birthday is coming up. :D