Thursday, March 5, 2009

Notes From The Underground

I've spent about 5 minutes figuring out where to start. (Loser)
First of all, Kents alive. And yes, it is necessary to say that. And I'm really glad he is.
On another cheerful foot, 4 days until my trip to DC. (oooooooh excitement)
I also managed to do homework, and um. Fuck, forgot what else I put in my to do list that I actually managed to do...
But over all, I feel good, and accomplished. 
The title of this, however (Notes From The Underground), is in reference to a rather depressing Fyodor Dosteovesky novel. I haven't read much of it yet, but its going to be one of 2 works I get the pleasure of being told to pick apart and analyze and argue.
I love papers like that, with good topics. Because then its an excuse to take the time to really pick apart an interesting piece of literature or something. Otherwise, I'd be like "hell no, I'm too busy for that," but if its for a grade, then aight. I'm down.
But yeah, NFTU. Its about a man who decides to be as nasty and pessimistic as possible, and brings down any one who tries to interact with him.
Despite the negativity and mild depression that comes with reading this story, the character intrigues me; he reminds me of one of my friends that acts like him a lot.
He's one of those people I think I'm here to help, and I think I'm supposed to help him not end up like that.
I don't think I've mentioned it before (if I have you can hit me with a stale baguette (inside joke on punishment)), but I'm fairly certain that my purpose in this life is to help others. 
I'm overly empathetic and I always seem to befriend people who end up needing me.
In short, I'm everyones shrink.
The best way I've ever heard it described is in Eragon (bitch you aint no nerd?!)
They used the term "A shield for misfortune". Someone who took other people's problems on themselves and tried to heal them. I feel like that a lot.
AAAAANYWAYS...fucking rambling. My b. 
Where'd the term "shrink" come from? To describe therapists.
What? Because they shrink you're problems or something? Thats stupid.
Someone answer me though. 


Wizardry said...

Maybe its just because you are that empathetic and good at listening to people. So, shrinks go "Calling a psychiatrist a shrink came about from a comparison between psychiatrists and headshrinkers - a term give to tribal members from way back in the day who shrunk the heads of their enemies after they killed them. So, I guess you could say it is a derogatory term to use when referencing psychiatrists - implying that they 'screw with your head'. The term is noted by some to date back to the 1960's, while others say the term originated in the 1950's." Well, enough about that. You'll have to take lots of pictures in DC, (which I'm sure you will).

Riddle Rachel This said...

cool. my mind is now at ease. except not really. theres still plenty of other shit flailing around in there