Friday, March 6, 2009

Criminal Conversation

Now that is a seriously fantastic term. 
Apparently, is was used the the 1800's as a courtroom metaphor for adultery.
Today, however, I consider it an absolutely perfect name for an album.
Unfortunately, whatever solo nonsense I manage to generate cannot do "Criminal Conversation" justice. 
So far, I'm having a simply marvelous day. Would you like to hear about it? Yes.
For some reason I woke up at 7:20, so I just went with it. I had enough time to make oatmeal, read a short Russian story ("The Lady With The Dog"-Anton Chekhov), and grab a cheese danish and some coffee from a local coffee shop before meeting up with late carpooler extraordinaire, Lars*, at 9:20. 
I was awake for 2 HOURS pending our morning commute. I felt so accomplished, ya know?
I just got done with World Lit II (random class, I know, but excellent), in which we discussed Charles Baudelaire's Paris Spleen
Parts of it, anyways. 
More nastiness, like NFTU, and also future contents of my research paper.
Anyways, look it up. It's very amusing.
Anyways, once Lars gets done with her last class, we're having a movie day (or a chance for me to eat popcorn) and seeing He's Just Not That In To You.
Then I have work.
Then tomorrow, I work 11-5, and then I have to truck on up to Atlanta and watch some friends in this battle of the bands thing, which I already bought a $12 ticket for, cause I try to support the arts. And friends. 
Then Sunday, I really need to get my hair done. Normally I'm fine with whatever my hair has decided to do, but my roots are showing hardcore and the colors faded to this weird blonde-ish nonsense.
Then I'm having a guitar lesson with Jordan (which isn't so much a lesson as its me showing him I can successfully play most of "More Than A Feeling") and then packing for DC.
On a jet plane.
But I'll be back Thursday. 
But I'll still have my computer.
So none of you care. 
And that, ladies and gentlemen (who's numbers are quickly multiplying (not with each other though)), is what is UP for these next couple days. 
You'll probably hear more about it. 
Fuck! I can't shut myself up.
The end.
*Lars is short for Larissa. I'm not carpooling with a transgender Eurasian man. 
...not that I'm opposed to transgender Eurasian men or anything. Footnotes FTW.

1 comment:

Wizardry said...

Oodles and kaboodles of fun. =D