Monday, February 16, 2009

Rachel Bell: Wedding Planner!!!

Greetings chums, [and bitches named Chris]!
ANDY'S ENGAGED!!!!! Officically.
But she needs lots of help, with everything. Her family doesn't have enough money to pay for the wedding and everything with out going bankrupt, so she's taking on responsibility for paying for most of it. 
Apart from the monetary struggle that is a wedding, planning it is completely insane too, 
enter: Rachel Bell: Wedding Planner!
Basically, I am going to help out any way I can, Cassie too, and probably Paul's mom.
I also think I've decided that instead of buying them steak knives or something partially useless, I'm going to make my wedding gift something that pertains to the wedding itself. Right now, I am thinking I'll pay for the cake, so they can have a kick ass cake and not have to worry about the expense. 
At the moment, I'm going to start research on wedding things. 
Huzzah! Something cheerful to distract myself from the idiotic shambles I have let my life sink into! Not devastating, just idiotic. 
By the way, in case you're still stalking my blog, FUCK YOU AND YOU'RE APATHETIC CYNICISM CHRIS.
But I'm still happy regardless, as I'm a wedding planner now, and I believe that's part of the job.
Pip pip!

1 comment:

Wizardry said...

Yet another skill to add to your resume.

-Another stalker of your blog