Sunday, February 22, 2009


Nothing anybody can say to me can surprise me any more. 
Sorry to disappoint. 
Everyone, including Norway, has revealed so much STUFF, anywhere from useless but amazing facts to crazy life plans and decisions, that I can no longer be truly shocked by it.
Try it. I will just laugh a bit and say something to the effect of "thats crazy, good luck" or "thats crazy, that fucking sucks".
I will have a very interesting story for you (you as in nobody + chris) in 2 weeks or so.
Can't tell you anything until then though. Bummmmer. 
gotta give a shout out to McCabe (the one that rulez) for finally giving into my Jew powers of nagging/bribing with baked goods, and is taking my shift tomorrow.
Andy and I are going to the Fox tomorrow afternoon for a bridal expo show thingy. 
Rachel Bell: Wedding Planner strikes again!
The event description included the line "you will be treated like a queen the moment you walk in". 
Sounds absolutely fabulous to me. Especially as it's after 1 in the morning, and I didn't get back from closing/giving Cassie a ride home until 20 minutes ago.
I'm thinking of leaving Jets when I turn 18 and working at GAP, or something normal and pleasant. Without grease or dishes. 
Just a thought though.
Other than that, things are....OK, I suppose. OK enough.
I'm super fucking proud that I've kept going with this over the past 2 weeks ish.
G'night bitches and hos