Wednesday, November 12, 2008

True Satisfaction

I just had one of those moments, where you're attacked by someone, and then, miraculously, you say exactly what you want to say. The sort of thing Meg Ryan describes in You've Got Mail. I really couldn't have come up with a better response to this person if I had sat and edited and reworked it for days, or weeks.
I just feel completely at peace. 
Well, not completely, but about this one issue.
Meanwhile, the day we (Lars, Chris, and I ) have been dreading in English finally arrived: 
reading a play aloud in parts.
Unfortunately, I am the only one of this here to experience it.
Fortunately though, I don't have to read for anyone. 
43 days until Christmas, 66 days until Streetlight Manifesto and Reel Big Fish, and 147 days until my birthday. 
That last one seems obnoxiously far away. Oh well.
Goddamn. We have wasted an entire class reading this play (horribly, I might add).
Riddle Rachel This: isn't this supposed to be college?


Wizardry said...

so what did you say?

Riddle Rachel This said...

i'll let you read it sometime when you're around my computer, its really long. i dont feel like "copypasta-ing" right now